An Investment Specification containing precise information concerning dimensions, types of windows, roller blinds or doors is sent to our export department. Further details provided by you, such as colour, specific window parameters, the required glazing package or additional security features are determined and added to the documents.

At this stage, impeccable communication between the dealer and the foreign investor is paramount. Any amendments to the quote are made in accordance with the highest customer service standards. We work and discuss this matter until we reach a fully satisfying agreement. Then our specialists use the accepted changes to prepare preliminary drawings which are then sent to the Processing Department.

With the help of specialised software, the design team drafts product documentation which will ultimately be used for production.

A completed quote, including technical drawings and price is provided to the dealer.

Once a complete quote has been accepted by the dealer, we determine details of each transport stage. Order items coming off the production line are then split up so that each batch of windows is sent to the correct and appropriately described rack. Windows are stacked in the right places, in the right quantity and in the right order. We do our utmost to ensure that given parts of your order arrive at the investment site at the agreed time. Such a work system makes it easier for the dealer to install the windows and it speeds up the work. It also prevents work stoppages or having to store windows on site.

For foreign orders, the dealer handling a particular investment is responsible for installing the windows. The sales process effectively ends with an assessment of the quality of the completed works and order completion confirmation.

The Domel team of specialists drafts full as-built documentation, which includes approvals and product declarations. This is then passed on to the dealer.

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General terms and conditioons of sale

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